Surgery Day

Today I had surgery, and as far as I know, it went just as planned. I don’t feel good enough to write a full post tonight, but I just wanted to say I’m hanging in there.

Thank you for all your prayers, visits, tweets, and well wishes. It’s been a difficult day, but I haven’t had any major complications. I’ve eased up to 1 ounce of water to be sipped an hour, and tomorrow I’ll graduate to broth an sugar free Jell-o. If everything goes as planned, I’ll be released home Wednesday afternoon/evening.


  1. Wishing you a speedy recovery and a fantastic new lease on life, Nicole!

  2. Good to hear everything went well.

  3. Emma's bucket list says:

    Ao glad you got this, and glad to hear that so far, all is good… A positive word of encouragement- 2 other friends of mine have lost almost 140lbs each with gastric band surgery. It has changed their lives, and they look and feel amazing!

  4. You are rockin’ the warm air snuggie 🙂

  5. Hey Nicole! Hope things continue to go well… I’m bringing you dinner tomorrow evening but will text ya sometime to find out what to bring for you and what rosie & the hubs want. 🙂 Call if you need anything!

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