Are carbs good for you or bad for you? The simple answer is there are good carbs and bad carbs. This infographic was created by my coworker Joseph and it gives some helpful information. I love how it turned out so I wanted to share it.
Since I had my gastric bypass, I’ve been paying a lot more attention to carbohydrate counts. Carbs aren’t just in bread, pasta, and rice. They’re in fruit, vegetables, dairy products, and many other edible items. My ideal diet ratio is 70% protein and 30% vegetables, and most simple carbohydrates are to be avoided during the first year after surgery. My body is very sensitive to sugar and foods with a high glycemic index. This infographic is a good reminder for me to be mindful of the carbs I do eat.
I just wanted to say how amazing it is to see you take on this journey by the horns!!! You are doing so awesome!! You are looking great, and keep up the good work girl! I lost 30 pounds myself, and Its a great feeling. I feel less tired now and more energetic! I am so proud of ya! Hope all is well. Take Care.
-Mina C.