Why Facebook isn’t always great

My SIL Lissy tagged a picture of me on Facebook. It’s from the trip I took to Cali over Halloween. I know I’ve lost a little bit of weight since this picture, but it disgusts me. This picture was the catalyst for getting back into the mindset of weight loss. Usually when I post pictures online, I make sure they’re at a good angle, or not a full-body shot. And pictures on the couch are always awkward and ugly. My legs look about as big around as Rosie’s waist, and little Phoebe’s whole body is about the size of my forearm. I took off the picture tag once, but she tagged it again. I guess it will remain as motivation to keep working toward my goals.


  1. It doesn’t help that this picture was taken from a very unflattering angle. Skinny or not I wouldn’t want my picture taken at this angle. But hey, it is motivation, right?

  2. Hizzeather says:

    First of all, I don’t think this picture is that bad. We always look for the worst in ourselves. I do it in every picture of mine! 🙂

    Thanks for inviting me to read this blog! I’m trying to lose 30 pounds myself. I just need to get my health stuff in order before I can really get on it.

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